Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Growing Hair - Week 6

I don't have much to say today, but here's my weekly hair growth picture. It's getting pretty thick. Nobody believes me, but it's white all over, it looks like I've been baking and put flour all over my hair by accident! Eyelashes are beautiful :)

So far, the boosts don't seem to make me so fatigued. Today was #2, so we'll see. Even though the regular radiations are over, my arm pit is still so red and raw and it's quite painful. I've been alternating between different lotions and applying corn starch as I have been told but it still hurts and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Hopefully, it will start healing soon.

I'm looking forward to Memorial Day weekend. We don't have any special plans, but 3 days off radiations will be great.

27 down, 6 to go...


Roxanne said...

Your hair is beautiful! No more scarves or hats. Yay! Oh how I can't wait. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Blessings.

Holly said...

your hair is gorgeous and so glad the rads are almost over...let the healing begin!!

Daria said...

You are really looking good ... good for you.

Debby said...

I was at about the same point you were at in radiation when things started to get really unbearable. One day I scratched myself and the bottom half of my nipple peeled off. Gads. It hurt like anything. I just wanted to cry. The good news? My skin started getting better almost as soon as radiation was over. Oh, and that last week, I used aloe vera. I kept a bottle of it in the refrigerator (get the natural nothing added stuff, and I slathered that stuff on after radiation. The cool gel felt soooooooo good.

The Cebulas said...

Thank you ladies, I love updating my weekly picture, I always get the nicest compliment :)

Sara Diana said...

You are looking great, so pretty xxx you give me hope too. I had the last of my epi-R yesterday and go onto CMF - I MAY start to grow my hair back xxxxx